The human organic system is divided into five organs according to TCM: liver, heart, spleen, lung, and kidney, which correspond to the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Because the Five Organs are interconnected via meridian channels, physicians use this principle to assess patients holistically to devise targeted treatment plans. The Five Organs correspond to their respective emotions of anger, joy, anxiety, grief, and fear. When the organs are out of sync, excessive stimulation of the organs leads to the over-exhibition of these emotions.
Liver 肝
The primary function of the liver is to ensure the smooth flow of Qi through the meridians. It also stores blood and keeps the sinews healthy. Manifestations in the liver frequently result in outbursts of rage. Being easily irritated, becoming easily angry, having difficulty unwinding from the day's activities, having difficulty reasoning or going with the flow, and letting things go are all examples of liver manifestations.
Heart 心
Our state of consciousness is governed by the heart. It regulates the body's activities and circulates blood. It has emotional control over joy, and heart manifestations frequently cause patients to feel a lack of joy. Excessive perspiration, which indicates a Qi deficiency in the Heart, is another common symptom.
Spleen 脾
The Spleen is one of the body's most active organs. It oversees transporting vital Qi and Blood from food and water and activating it in the other organs. The spleen and stomach also collaborate to regulate digestion. The stomach converts digested food into nutrients before transporting it to the lungs via the spleen. It also has physical control over the limbs and emotional control over pondering. Anxiety is frequently associated with splenic manifestations. Other common symptoms include bleeding gums or bad breath, weak and underdeveloped muscles, and a constant state of worry.
Lung 肺
The lung's primary function is to activate the pectoral Qi produced by breathing. Through its dispersing and descending functions, the lung's 'Qi' plays an important role in ensuring optimal lung function. The lungs' dispersing function ensures that carbon dioxide is forced upwards and outwards, through the lungs and windpipes, before being exhaled through the nose or mouth. Similarly, the descending function allows for the inhalation of fresh air through the nose or mouth. The lungs' complementary actions coordinate the smooth exchange of gaseous substances. It also has physical control over the skin and hair, as well as emotional control over grief. Other common symptoms include a runny nose, sneezing, congested sinuses, and loss of smell.
Kidney 肾
The kidney is an active organ. It oversees the production and storage of our body's vital essence, which governs the stages of human development. Because the essence stored in the kidney is thought to be bestowed upon everyone from their parents at conception, TCM considers the kidney to be the source of life. The kidney is also important in regulating human reproductive capabilities. An abundance of kidney essence drives the maturation of reproductive capabilities in both males and females during adolescence. These modifications give humans the ability to reproduce. Patients who experience kidney manifestations are frequently terrified. Other common manifestations include deafness, tinnitus, osteoporosis, dental problems, urinary disorders, and developmental problems.
Therefore, maintaining the balance among the Five Organs is critical in maintaining the physical well-being of the body, as well as playing an important role in regulating our emotions.
Chester Ng
Chong Hoe Healthcare